


We just do. We may have varying interests and hobbies, but on a basic level, we get each other. The Woodlands Methodist Church understands this.

Through Quest and small groups, we have opportunities for you to meet and discuss men’s issues — openly and honestly — with others who can relate and understand where you’re coming from as you strive to become a more Christ-like man.


Men’s Wyoming Retreat

Men’s Wyoming Retreat

Get away and rediscover the man, husband, father and friend Jesus has called you to be at our Men’s Retreat, August 23 – 26. We will head to the beautiful state of Wyoming for fly fishing, horseback riding and gathering around the firepit. Join us for four days away from phones, the internet and the busyness of life.

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Adult Sports

Adult Sports

Our Adult sports programs were created around the idea that sports and fitness are a great place to connect with others and challenge ourselves in ways we may not typically be challenged. There is something about sports and fitness that unites us, creating bonds with the people around us.

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Men’s Choir

Men’s Choir

The Woodlands Men’s Chorus is a non-profit community chorus. Men of all faiths are invited to participate. We sing sacred as well as secular music at several church and civic events throughout the fall and spring.

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Connect Classes

Connect Classes

Find community and grow with others at a class that meets in connection with weekend worship.

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Society of St. Stephen

Society of St. Stephen

Our church provides financial assistance to families in crisis in our congregation and in the surrounding South Montgomery County area. Funds are in greater need due to the impact of job losses with COVID-19. Give online and designate for Society of St. Stephen.

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A Pathway to a Deeper Faith

Jesus' call to "follow me" is an invitation to begin a lifelong journey to explore and apply God's Word, grow in maturity, love our neighbors, share our faith and, ultimately, become more like Him. G.R.O.W. Points is a pathway to intentionally connect and live out your faith at The Woodlands Methodist Church. No matter where you are in your faith, we are excited to journey with you.

Ready to Get Started?

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