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Explore the global mission trips being offered. Consider Serving with us throughout the world as we share the Gospel of Jesus.


Missions is the heartbeat of our church. It is interwoven in and throughout all of our ministries. It's how we live out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19 – 20. And because we love Jesus Christ, we have hearts of compassion to help those in need. Our ministries empower people in need, giving them dignity, self-worth and the ability to become strong and self-sufficient. We work both globally and locally to faithfully serve God's people.

Global Missions

Our partnerships with 101 global mission ministry partners allow us to have influence in 190 countries to reach people for Jesus, disciple them in faith, and help those in need.

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Clothing Drive for Sam Houston

Clothing Drive for Sam Houston

Missions is collecting clothing for children who attend Sam Houston Elementary. We need gently used clothing for children from infants to size 14 along with new packages of socks and underwear. Through July 28.

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Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Give the gift of life through the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. Blood donors are needed to give now, and in the future, consistently. Patients in your community will be forever grateful for your ongoing contributions during this time.  

The Woodlands Campus Woodforest Campus
Driving Family Futures

Driving Family Futures

Our Missions Ministry accepts donations of vehicles to provide transportation for individuals and families working to get back on their feet. 

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Craft Circle

Craft Circle

Craft Circle Ladies of all ages meet to enjoy crafting, fellowship and lunch. The year culminates in November with two events featuring handmade and holiday items for sale and auction: The Boutique and Chef's Favorites, and the annual Masterpiece Gala and Auction.

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Geezer Squad

Geezer Squad

The Geezer Squad is a group of  retired or semi-retired volunteers who share the love of Christ with our neighbors through building wheelchair ramps and performing minor exterior home repairs. Meets every Tuesdays and Wednesday. Next meetings: Jan. 9-10

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Missions e-News

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Global Missions

More than anything, the purpose of the church is to lead others to Christ. Jesus said, “You will be my witnesses.” We walk alongside ministries or agencies all over the world that are already in place doing the hard work of service in their own countries. We provide medical mission teams, work with orphans, build churches, support seminaries in other countries and so much more.


Local Missions

As the church, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in our own community. Our desire is to empower those in need and bring hope to the hungry and hurting. On any given day, you will find our members reaching out to children and teens in foster care, building wheelchair ramps or fixing homes, sharing God's grace with those in prison and feeding the homeless. Our members can always find ways to serve right in their own backyard.


International Ministry Partners

Our church is bringing Christ to people all over the world. We partner with Christian organizations with a passion to lead people to a loving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to help those in need. Through our partner organizations, we train up Christian leaders so they can lead others to Christ and start new churches. We can empower those who are in need and are suffering, so they can become strong and lifted out of their suffering. And we can help those suffering in disasters and struggling with coronavirus.


Local Ministry Partners

The Woodlands Methodist Church partners with ministries primarily located in Montgomery County. We work with these ministries to share the love of Christ with the homeless, hungry, imprisoned, children in foster care, those caught in human trafficking and so much more. We partner with faith-based ministries that are not only providing for the basic needs of those they serve, but are also working to empower people to move beyond their current circumstances.