Walking in the Spirit | The Woodlands Methodist Church

Walking in the Spirit

Weekly: Sundays at 9:00 AM

Co-Ed study: “Walking in the Spirit” is a 16-week deep dive into a life of faith guided by the Holy Spirit.

Group Details

Sundays beginning January 12 | 9:00 - 10:00 am | Room B106

Jesus commands us to receive the Holy Spirit and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. But, what is it? How do we embrace it and live our lives in the fullness of Jesus Christ?

The “Walking in the Spirit” Study Manual guides readers through the 19th Century Christian Classic written by A. B. Simpson with comments, thoughts and questions from great saints with a longing for God including John Wesley, Francois Fenelon, A. W. Tozer and Charles Stanley. Over four centuries of Christian wisdom packed into 16 weeks.

Walking in the Spirit is firmly rooted in the Bible focusing on the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and over 275 Scriptural references from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Do you seek a deeper life? Are you hungry for a more intimate and personal relationship with God? You’ll find it Walking in the Spirit."

 Led by author and member Marc McCoy.

Feedback on Walking in the Spirit from past participants: 

“The Holy Spirit course was such a blessing to me. In my 50+ years as a believer, I had given little thought to the person of the Holy Spirit. He was simply the third name tacked onto the end of the pastoral prayer. This study truly brought his person and personality into focus for me and, I think, for others in the class. I feel like I still have a long way to go in my Christian walk but, having now learned who He is and that I need to “hearken” to his voice, I feel like real progress has been made.” -- Jane J.

“I learned that the Holy Spirit is not just wandering around in space somewhere, but can actually be sitting next to me and/or be “IN” me under the right circumstance; which I didn’t recognize before this study. And yes, I would not hesitate for a minute recommending this class to others because of the importance of understanding how active the Holy Spirit can be in our lives if we just allow Him to be there.”  -- Lee B.

“I would definitely recommend this to people who are interested because I know it has CHANGED my Christian walk. I'm beginning to now understand WHO is the power behind my own transformation as and service to God. Now, I truly appreciate the depth and breadth of the Person of the Holy Spirit. It has affected my prayer life, daily life, and my perceptions.” -- Sally R.

“The study is a practical guide and aid to spiritual life. It has helped me to lean into the spirit as I interact with the natural world. It has improved my understanding and patience with my "carnal" counterparts. I learned more about my humanity and my God and Savior. This study is valuable for all disciples. It is an invitation to go deeper into our faith and rewards the student by offering a life of kingdom living that I've heard called the "already, not yet". -- Kathy A.

“It was an Awakening for me to learn who the Holy Spirit is and how He is working in me. This new revelation is helping me understand my calling. I would highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to deepen their faith and get closer to Jesus.” -- Gary W.

“The big takeaway for me so far is the reality of the Holy Spirit’s resident presence in me…not just “out there” and available to me but inside and at work in me as my faith deepens and matures.” -- Kay W.

“This class helped reveal my understanding and relationship to the Holy Spirit as a real relatable person of the Trinitarian God. I thoroughly recommend this class! It truly is a "must" for all Christians to deepen their understanding of the nature of God's will, purpose and love for each of us through His Holy Spirit presence.” -- Bruce B.

“The class "Walking in the Spirit" has been one of the best Sunday school classes I've ever taken regarding The Holy Spirit! It explains in great detail the ways in which the Holy Spirit works within us. I personally believe that every single person who takes this class will most definitely benefit from learning. This class also validates the many ways I have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit within my own life, and I am sure that you too will enjoy the same sort of validation.” -- Kathryn B.

“I would definitely recommend the class to anyone yearning for a deeper understanding of the Trinity and the scriptures about the Holy Ghost. It has definitely expanded my concept of the true nature of God and his son, Jesus. Personally, the study has brought a deep sense of comfort and stability in the sovereign power of God and the Trinity. Absolutely life altering in my walk with God.” -- Elizabeth I.

“I came into this study with my “antenna” on high alert, suspicious for any “way out there” charismatic” leanings. Nothing could have been further from the truth. This study is grounded in biblical evidence, supported by respected Bible scholars. I highly recommend it to everyone!” -- Bob D.

“Prior to your course, I really didn’t understand the importance of the Holy Spirit as a guide and advocate, especially but your discussions made that very clear. Christ gave his Apostles power through the Holy Spirit. Paul continued to preach and be directed by the Holy Spirit. You showed us the Importance of developing a direct and daily relationship and listening, “hearkening” to the Holy Spirit as you very much like to say. -- Charlie A.

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