NextGen College (Ages 18-23)
Join us for two different service events that will connect you to Christ as you serve His kingdom in amazing new ways!
Join us on campus as we make small plush pillows for the pregnancy help center. We will be tying and stuffing small felt blankets that will resemble little lion-face plushies! These pillows will go to expectant moms as gifts for their babies. We can't wait to serve with you!
Join us on campus as we make cookies and deliver them as a thank you to the facilities and housekeeping staff at the church. We will use the kitchen to prepare, bake and package and then pray over our cookies and church staff before delivering them personally to thank them for all that they do! This will be a great time for fellowship and serving our church community together. We can't wait to serve with you!
Registration for this event is based on grade level for 2025-2026 school year. Children must be entering 5th - 6th grade to be eligible to attend.Cost: $5
Children must be entering 5th - 6th grade to be eligible to attend.
Cost: $5
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Registration opens on Sunday, March 2, 2025
Questions?Contact Anna Cianflone (281) 297-5950