From Bitter to Sweet

February 13, 2025 | Read Time: 1 min

By: Rev. Mark Sorensen

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! – Philippians 4:4

It’s important to note that these words from Paul were not written in comfort, but in a prison cell. And yet, his go-to response says something significant – it urges us to rejoice, not because life is always easy, but because God is always faithful.

A few weeks ago, during my “One Year Bible” reading, I came across Exodus 15:22-27. It’s a big moment for the Israelites – they had just witnessed the miraculous parting of the Red Sea. But their celebration was short-lived. Three days into the wilderness, they were desperate for water, only to find that the water at a place called Marah was bitter and undrinkable. Needless to say, their immediate response was not one of rejoicing but of some serious grumbling.

Moses did what we must do in challenging moments: He cried out to the Lord. In response, God showed him a piece of wood, which – when thrown into the water – turned the bitter into sweet.

It’s a reminder that even in difficult places, God is still working. What seemed hopeless in the moment became a testimony of His provision.

Some of us may be standing at our own Marah, facing disappointments or unanswered prayers. But just as God transformed the bitter water, He can bring sweetness to our struggles. The key is where we turn. Will we grumble, or will we seek Him in faith?

So today, whatever season you’re in, hold on to Philippians 4:4 – rejoice not in your circumstances but in the Lord. And here’s the good news, friends: Even in the wilderness, even in the bitter moments, He is always the One who refreshes and restores.

– Mark