Excited for What’s Ahead

August 29, 2024 | Read Time: 1 min

By: Rev. Mark Sorensen

Grace and peace, church. I pray this update finds each of you well and enjoying temperatures in Houston that are currently not in the triple digits. Thanks be to God.

As I write this message, I can’t help but reflect on how fast the year goes. We are officially saying goodbye to summer and summer vacations, and now, we are in back-to-school mode at The Woodlands Methodist Church. Things are certainly buzzing around our church and campuses. I continue to say, “What a time to be in ministry and see all that the Spirit is stirring!”

In addition to all that’s happening within our local church, I am also excited about what’s happening within our greater denomination, the Global Methodist Church.

I feel a great joy and a deep sense of responsibility to have been chosen to serve as a delegate representing our Trinity Conference at the convening conference of the Global Methodist Church in San Jose, Costa Rica, this September 20-26, 2024.

This truly is a historic gathering, marking a pivotal moment as we step into the future of this newly formed Orthodox Wesleyan denomination. The excitement of being part of this movement is palpable, knowing that our voices will help shape the direction of a church deeply rooted in the traditions of John Wesley, yet eagerly looking forward to all the Holy Spirit has in store.

With the conference approaching, I confess that I am filled with such anticipation for all the ways God will move among us. This is not just a meeting; it is a sacred opportunity to listen to the Spirit, seek the Spirit’s guidance, affirm our shared values, and commit ourselves to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for generations to come.

As we get closer to the convening conference, I would love to ask for your prayers for both myself as well as all the delegates from around the globe who have faithfully said ”yes” to stepping into this role. Specifically, pray for wisdom, discernment and hearts attuned to God’s leading.

What a joy it is to serve Christ’s church at such a time as this.

To God be the glory!

– Mark