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A new way to support the work of The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation with an annual gift.


The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation was established in 2000 as a pillar of support to our ministry and mission of reaching people for Jesus, discipling them in faith, and helping those in need.

The Foundation is more than just a financial asset; it is a testament to our enduring dedication to faith, service and compassion. Established as a permanent fund, the principal amount of the endowment is preserved while the earnings generated from investments are distributed as scholarships and grants to support the mission of The Woodlands Methodist Church. This is distinct from the day-to-day operations budget and regular giving. The Foundation plays a pivotal role in funding new initiatives, missions, church multiplication, curriculum resources and education scholarships. Today’s gifts make an impact tomorrow and are invested forever for generations to come.

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Gina Price

Missed our Estate Planning Workshop?

Catch up on Gina A. Price’s invaluable insights on estate and probate planning from our recent session. Watch the recording to start planning for your future!



Simplicity and ease of giving make cash/check contributions the most popular type of giving.


Gifts of long-term securities generally result in several federal tax benefits. Please check with your tax advisor for more details.


Real property may also be given to the Foundation provided it meets certain criteria.


In your will you may decide to bequeath a percentage of your estate, a specific amount or the remainders after bequests to other beneficiaries are made. If you choose to make a gift to the Foundation in this way, please note that the legal name to include in a will or other legal document is “The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation.” A bequest will be recorded as a gift in the year that the will is probated and the grant delivered to the Foundation.

When a Christian writes a will, it should be more than a catalog of possessions, but rather a declaration of faith in the cause you believe in — a provision for that which you love. No person can tell you the will of God regarding the final disposition of your property. Only by prayerfully seeking God’s leadership can you know what He wants you to do.


The Foundation currently focuses on five major areas of investment that are in support of TWMC’s mission: New Initiatives, Missions, Church Multiplication, Christian Education and Resources, and Scholarships. Giving to the enduring ministry of The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation has had a profound impact on many lives. Learn more below.

Make a Donation

New Initiatives and Areas Most in Need

The Foundation provides support for emerging opportunities as they arise, allowing us to channel general giving projects and initiatives that align with our mission to reach people for Jesus, disciple them in faith, and help those in need.

Missions | Help Those in Need

Our commitment to missions extends across three key areas: local missions, international missions and student missions. Grants from the Foundation empower us to serve and support communities near and far, spreading God’s message of hope and love through hands-on mission work.

Church Multiplication | Reach People for Jesus Christ

As our church family grows, so does our need for space and resources. The Foundation provides funding for church multiplication efforts including campus expansion and initiatives for church growth, ensuring that we can continue to welcome and disciple new members.

Christian Curriculum and Resources | Disciple Them in Faith

We understand the importance of equipping both our congregation and other churches with the tools needed for spiritual growth. The Foundation supports the development of curriculum, resources for classes and studies, and the creation of materials that empower churches to thrive in their ministries.

Education Scholarships | Disciple Them in Faith

This is a powerful catalyst for personal and spiritual growth. The Foundation provides scholarships for pastors and seminary students, as well as financial assistance to students pursuing education at The Woodlands Methodist School. By investing in education, we invest in a brighter future.

Seminary Scholarship
Grace Garden Columbarium

A memorial garden and resting place for the cremated remains of our loved ones

Learn more


Founded in September 2000, The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation, Inc. was established to provide for the future of this congregation’s mission to bring Christ and His love to our local and global community.

The decision to give to the Foundation is a spiritual commitment of loyalty and love. It is a way to continue giving and supporting The Woodlands Methodist Church now and into the future.

“For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” — Psalm 100:5

Most large churches, such as The Woodlands Methodist Church, have established foundations or endowment funds for the purpose of expanding and securing the future ministries of the church. The Foundation provides an opportunity for the current members to build for the future.

The Foundation fund is a permanent fund which is invested to provide income that can be used to further the ministry of the church. The permanent fund also provides a degree of security in the event of unforeseen financial needs. Most of the goals for the Foundation are long-term.

The mission of The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation is to expand the ministry outreach of the church and safeguard its future through charitable gifts that provide long-term financial support and a living memorial.

They will be used to expand the ministry of the church for years to come by providing supplemental funds to enhance the church’s programs, mission, operations and facilities.

No, it does not replace other funds. Such funds as the church operating budget and faith promise fund for missions are separate. The Foundation fund is designed to permanently enrich the future life of our church.

The annual budget of our church is all-important. It is the responsibility of the congregation every year to provide for the everyday bills, salaries and programs for the membership.

If you have questions about giving a donation to The Woodlands Methodist Church Foundation or would like to discuss further how you can include the Foundation in your will or estate plan, contact the Finance office.

Download our comprehensive resource book to learn more about the Foundation and how you can make a difference.

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Donors List

Donation to The Foundation in Honor or Memory

January 1 – February 28, 2025

In Honor or Memory

In Honor of Bishop Bob Hayes
Frank Davis

In Honor of Patrick Hosford
Wendy and Jim Hosford

In Honor of Ed Robb III
Bette Cox

In Memory of Ronald Brandt
Gary Goodfriend

In Memory of Colleen Hosford
Wendy and Jim Hosford

In Memory of Kathryn Ricks
Marie and Harlan Hartman
Alice and Mike Widmier

In Memory of Martha Robb
Jill and Jeff Swift

In Memory of Dan Spence
Justine and Mark Crabbe

In Memory of Floyd Wilson
Nancy Bodey

Foundation - Unrestricted

Katie and Joshua Arterbury
Erin and Michael Babich
Craig Blackburn
Nancy and Aaron Bridges
Julie and Ryan Emmons
Kristen and Drew Essen
Chrissy and Brandon Foster
Becky and Ed Gunderson
Rebecca and Matt Harrelson
Larry Jackson
Jessica and Bruno Maldonado
Mel and Matt Smith
Rachel and Taylor Vanegas
Judy and Vern Vincent
Brinley Williams

Foundation Restricted

Terry and Ken Garland

January 1 – December 31, 2024

In Honor or Memory

In Honor of Bishop Bob Hayes
Bette Cox

In Memory of Greg Anderson
Karen and Martin Krevalis

In Memory of Robert Armstrong
Sally Bacon
Kallie Miller and Family

In Memory of Bill Baird
Sandra and Mark Schucker

In Memory of Dale Birran
Marie and Harlan Hartman

In Memory of Ronald Brandt
Susan and Dean Borg
Carol and Joe Diaz
Ann and Kent Friedman
Karen Cuccia
Cindy Lensing
Rosemary Rodd
Thera Ross
Kathy and Bill Sexton
Ann and Jerry Snyder
Jill and Jeff Swift

In Memory of Mike Campbell
Randal Peschel
Dan Cox
Dale Blackburn
Michael Moore
Linda Eissler
Jordan Sexton
Rick Fenlaw
Lolla Page

In Memory of Dr. David Cos
Peggy Francis
Suzanne and Bill Fox
Deb and Wes Haun
Nicole and Lance Hoffman
Andrea and Bruce Pennington
Janet and Justin Russell
Mary Lou Walker
Kathie Wolford

In Memory of Mark DeCantillon
Justine and Mark Crabbe

In Memory of Lani Grant
Amy and Clint Bennett
Janet and Justin Russell

In Memory of Mildred Henderson
Marilyn and John Mokwa
Douglas Neva

In Memory of Pat Herndon
Missy and Wayne Herndon

In Memory of George Holtin
Marie and Harlan Hartman
Sally Holtin

In Memory of Peggy Holwerda
Jennifer and Jonathan Breazeale

In Memory of Howard Jordan
Karen and Mark Wilkerson

In Memory of Les Kemp
Missy and Wayne Herndon

In Memory of Jane Lewallen
Evelyn Schilling

In Honor of Mark Lewis
Bette Cox

In Memory of Charlene Mallett
Robin and Vince Roznovsky
Michelle and Brooks Herring
Tami and Mark Mallett

In Memory of Lauren Marlow
Jennifer and Jonathan Breazeale

In Memory of Sean McGowan
Sally and Bobby McGowan

In Memory of David McNeill III
Megan Kehoe
Welsey Crow
Jim Dougherty
Jerry Marsh
Paula and Charles Patronella
Joan Smith

In Memory of Robert Naugle
Lisa Short

In Memory of Mary Louise Russell Norris
Diana Endsley
Alan Gist
Cathy Gist
Gay Gohlke
Vicki and Kevin Judice
Robert McCauley
Jean Norris
Marilyn and David Shores
Helen Tashjian
Catherine Tashjian Sweeney

In Memory of Joan Pogue
Good News Sunday School Class

In Memory of Mary Perry
Justine and Mark Crabbe

In Memory of Steve Pierson
Glenda Rich

In Memory of Cynthia Porter
Susan Hahn and Family

In Memory of Walter Rabon
Sandra and Bob Schucker

In Memory of Kimberly Rae
Matthew Bader

In Memory of Margaret Randerson
Myrna Calhoun
Sandra Jo Deike
Dee and Bob Hayes
Betty Oliver
Sue Stephenson

In Memory of Michael Richmond
Vicki Richmond

In Memory of Kathryn Ricks
Sonya Bouse and Family
Carole and Eugene Nelson
Angela Saxby

In Memory of Julia Ann Robb
Dee and Bob Hayes
Sherry and Tom McBride

In Memory of Martha Robb
Janet and Steve Anna
Sally and Kim Bacon
Gaye Craig
Londa and Wesley Crow
Pam and Bill Fleshner
Bonnie and Mark Hanley
Dee and Bishop Bob Hayes
Jane and Greg Jordan
Donna and Anthony Lannie
Markie and Jerry Lawrence
Asha and John Samuel

In Memory of Sheryl Rowe
Donna and Anthony Lannie

In Memory of Edward Kyle Russell
Janet Russell

In Memory of John P. Siemering
Patty and Craig Orcutt

In Memory of Jerry Whitehouse
Marie and Harlan Hartman

In Memory of Shirley Williams
Ken Nesmith

In Honor of Doug Wilson
Sandra and Bob Schucker

Foundation - Unrestricted

Shannon and Jason Altieri
Jen and Craig Blackburn
Jennifer Bruse
Phyllis and Dick Cram
Kristen and Drew Essen
Lani Grant
Mandi and Jeremy Graybill
Jacki and Gil Guerrero
Keri Hill
Wendy and Jim Hosford
Leslie and Fred Huff
Diane and Paul Galownia
Larry Jackson Jr.
Kathy and Richardo Kostner
Kim and Ken LeSuer
Jessica and Bruno Maldonado
Gayle Maples
Dianna and David Nussbaum
Amy and Chris Petro
Judy and Dale Richardson
Rachel and Andy Smith
Amy and Mike Tarvin
Marina Bilongui Tembo
Becky Thomas
Rachel and Taylor Vanegas
Judy and Vern Vincent
Valerie and David Vogt
Tammy and Gary Walston

Foundation Restricted

Terry and Ken Garland

Foundation - Partners

Claire and Pierce Drake II
Shelli and Stu Grant
Skye and Chris McLain
Kori and Brent Parker
Jennifer and Mike Sims

January 1 – October 31, 2023

In Honor or Memory

In Memory of Dorothy “Faye” Batt
David Batt
Ken and Kathy Brumbaugh

In Honor of Dr. Edmund W. Robb III
Sherry and Tom McBride

In Memory of Angela Boone
Dr. Robert and Sandra Schucker

In Memory of BJ Dunlap
Helen Burgdorf

In Memory of Art and Ruth Fies, Art Fies Jr., Henry and Donna Orcutt and Pam Orcutt Cox
Patty and Craig Orcutt

In Memory of Gene Hengst
Jerry Jackson
Heather and Rich Leong
Debra North
Carolyn Novelli and Family
Sally Sitka and Family

In Memory of Colleen Hosford and in Honor of Patrick Hosford
Wendy and Jim Hosford

In Memory of Fred Kappel
Marilyn and Dale Clinton
Jane and Greg Jordan
Pamela Kanakis
Emil Linnstaedter
Salli and Clay Whitaker
Victor Uher

In Memory of Eileen Kuster
Tenel Tayar

In Memory of Richard Lange
Tina and Kelvin Cates
Ralph Cutter
Gaye Craig
Sally Denison
Fran and John Gioia
Mary and Stephen Long

In Memory of Patsy Larance
Allison and Ross Barrett

In Memory of Frank Lee
Karen and Waylan West

In Memory of Jamie McBride
Carol Bailie
Heather Barnes
Marie and Mark Harris
Madelyn Kinnan
Bonnie and Charles Schuetz

In Memory of Mary Tom Middlebrooks
Anita and Frank Bryant

In Memory of Joyce Nesmith
Judy and Roger Giddings
Susan and Wayne Harris
Danna Riggins

In Memory of Doreen Newsom
Amanda Dianne

In Memory of Steve Powell
Dr. Robert and Sandra Schucker
Dr. Robert and Martha Taylor
Larry and Carolyn Townley

In Memory of Britt Puzey
Promises of The Messiah Sunday School Class

In Memory of Jim Shable
Brynn Anderson
Pat and Larry Burch
Lynda and Cecil Gilbreath
Steven Goudie
Marilyn and Jed Heindel
Holly Hill
Diana Holton
Pat Isbell
Evie Morter
William Tom

In Memory of Donna Orcutt-Tataren
Becky and John Meggers

In Memory of Elizabeth Voran
Helen Burgdorf

In Memory of Tim Wallace
Dorothy Brown

In Memory of Glenna Wandling
Larry and Carolyn

In Memory of Bette Washburn
Robert Sears

In Memory of William Edward Winter, Jr.
Dr. Robert and Sandra Schucker

In Honor of Joyce and Dennis Woodley
Vicky and Dan Shelledy

In Honor of Joe Zappa
Suzanne and Bill Bufton
Elaine and Pete Poulsen

Foundation - Unrestricted

Katie and Josh Arterbury
Emily Bell
Jen and Craig Blackburn
Lani Grant
Rebecca and Matt Harrelson
Laurie and Kevin Kenzie
Lucy Nelson
Linda and Doug Sarant
Gayle and Jom Soeder
Marina Bilongui Tembo
Becky Thomas
Judy and Vern Vincent

Foundation Restricted


In Memory of Patricia Ann Johnson
Terri and Greg Malloch
Julie Martineau
Jane and AG Peperone

In Memory of William Nelson
Ron Leo
Carolyn and Randy Jones
The Fred Huff Family
Jackie and Sean Wyley


Terry and Ken Garland


In Memory of Dale Kincaid
Emptying Nest Sunday School Class
Elaine and Pete Poulsen

January 1 – December 31, 2022

In Honor or Memory

In Honor of Alexander Morning Bible Study
Craig Blackburn

In Memory of Larry Augsburger
Carolyn and Randy Jones

In Memory of Barbara Benham
Good News Sunday School Class

In Memory of Todd Bishop
Martha Lindsey and Tom Gray

In Memory of Maxine Bracken
Elaine and Pete Poulsen

In Memory of Virginia Brill
Emptying Nest Sunday School Class

In Memory of Tom Cox, Sr.
Diane and Jeff Paul

In Memory of Billye Daigle
Lucy and William Nelson

In Memory of Thomas Doran
The Deardorf Family
Meredith Doran

In Memory of Betty Mensinger Fennessy
Jim Gillespie
Joe Gillespie
Pat and Dale Parker
Cissy and Bob Skarda

In Memory of Marion Fischer
Connie Norton

In Memory of Jim Galey
Carolyn Reyes

In Memory of Ruth Hansen
Linda Wesling

In Memory of James Hill
Susan Nurmi
William and Sandra Bergey

In Memory of Colleen Hosford
Wendy and Jim Hosford

In Honor of Patrick Hosford
Wendy and Jim Hosford

In Memory of Ike Lacefield
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Earl Lewis
Jared Davis
Slone Yeargan
Jared Davis

In Memory of Harold “Jake” Jacobson
Sally and Kim Bacon
Carolyn and Randy Jones

In Memory of Alcy Jane Mackintosh
Bev and Rick Armstrong
Miriam Beam
Penny and Mark Boehm
Dale and Carla Bradford
Lonnel Coats
L. Jean O’Neil
Kim and Rick Kersbergen
Phyllis and Dewitt Killiam
Sheri Novak and Family
Claire Ruchhoeft
Georganna and Richard Smith
Pam Tragesser
Pat and Carl Tragesser
Bill and Gretchen Vore

In Memory of Jamie McBride
Beverly Esparza
Francie and Rick Gastineau
Terry and Ron Lowrance
Dudley McBride
Jeremy Sheppe

In Memory of Roy McCoy
The Breazeale Family

In Memory of Sean McGowan
Sally and Bobby McGowan

In Memory of Joel McMullen
Dixie Jackson

In Memory of Sandy Mertins

In Memory of Bob Naugle
Elaine and Pete Poulsen

In Memory of Ray Powell
Marilyn and Dale Clinton

In Memory of Michael Richmond
Sally and Kim Bacon
Jane and Greg Jordan

In Memory of Laurie Robb
Bev and Rick Armstrong
Betty Jean Bedford
Jane and Greg Jordan

In Memory of Ann Rutherford
Carolyn and Randy Jones
Karen Bilsing

In Memory of Cliff Satterfield
Paula Satterfield

In Memory of James Sterling
Good News Sunday School Class

In Memory of Donna Orcutt Tataren
Harvest Home Group
Peggy McClain
Tim Siukola

In Memory of Jean Ann Williams
Emptying Nest Class

In Memory of Helen Yearout
DD Flowers

Foundation - Unrestricted

Jen and Craig Blackburn
Kathryn and Scott Bub
Lyndsey and Mike Christopher
Brad and Elizabeth Dunbar
Greg Durio
Rebecca and Matt Harrelson
Vicki and Michael Richmond
Kimberley Gassmann-Schantz
Shelby and Andy Smith
Lauren and Cristian Stanley
Marina Bilongui Tembo
Lauren and J.W. Turner
Judy and Vern Vincent

Foundation Restricted

Luc DeVeau Endowment
Michele and Alan Cooke

Kim and Ken LeSuer Endowment
Christi and Geoff LeSeur


In Memory of Inell Allen
Jane and Greg Jordan

In Memory of Samir Bayoud
Jane and Greg Jordan
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Lorene Clouser
Jo-Ann Hamlin
David Hirahara
Signe Lettenstrom
Ken Mayfield and Nancy Miller

In Memory of Lorrie Foster
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Jim Galey
Mr. and Mrs. Hassler

In Memory of Jim Hill
Linda and Jerry Mueller

In Memory of John Jordan
Joe Wilson
Jerome Durkin

In Memory of Bill Kolbe
Jane and Greg Jordan

In Memory of Allen Quinn May
In Memory of Allen Quinn May

In Memory of Ray Powell
Jane and Greg Jordan
The Perspectives Class
Jackie and Sean Wyley

In Memory of Bruce Toellner
Lisa and Larry Hinks
Jane and Greg Jordan
Daniel Mowrey

In Memory of Ann Tucker
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Glenna Wandling
Pat and Peter Eckdahl
Jean and Doug McCusker
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Steve West
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Larry Williams
The Perspectives Class


In Memory of Carl Battaglia
Penny and Richard Brown

In Memory of Eleanor Rattie
Sue and Kent Pagel

In Memory of Jerry Sandvig
Pam and Rene Broussard

In Memory of James Sterling
Jerry and Betty Rae Barney

In Memory of Patsy Tarvin
Barb Backner
Joan Blair
Penelope and Richard Brown
Helen Burgdorf
Lorene Clouser
Ann and Brad Fischer
Yvonne Greenbaugh
Dee and Bill Hansen
Pat Klein
Cathy Loughty
Patty Murphy
Joyce and Kenneth Nesmith
Connie Norton
Connie Paynter
Ruth and David Rusk
Kay Scroggins
Alice and Mike Widmier

January 1 – December 31, 2021

In Honor or Memory

In Honor of Alexander Morning Bible Study
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Zexa Rogers Alman
Susan and Jeff Hollier

In Memory of Lowell Anderson
Carolyn and Randy Jones
Lucy and William Nelson

In Memory of Vicki Beckley
Sandra and Bob Schucker

In Memory of Dr. Gerald Bodey
Kathy and Jerry Bodey, Jr.

In Memory of Cloy Causey
Sally and Tim Alley
Dianna and Butch Ashman
Linda and William Bippus
Shameka Chevis
Chris and Diane Delay
Dave Green
Aletha and Jeff Harris
Connie Norton
Dave Richards
Warwick Partners
Debbie Smith

In Memory of Richard Cowart
Margery and David Koogler

In Memory of Norman Daigle
Lucy and William Nelson

In Memory of June Davis
Marilyn and Barry Beuershausen
Gloria Valigura

In Memory of Lyndal Davis
Tami and Gary Laugharn

In Memory of Ted Dealing
Lucy and William Nelson

In Memory of Ken Ellis
Good News Sunday School Class
Dan and Vicky Shelledy

In Memory of George Farragut
Eleanor and Clark Chase
Paul, Joan, Matthew and Tracey Farragut
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Lois and James Palmer
Richard Rasbach

In Memory of Richard Fulmer
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Robert Furlough
Angie and Darron Gill

In Memory of Jane Doiron Gentry
Judy and Jim Bohnsack
Abby and Matthew Grantham
Lisa and Tom Harmon
Whitney and Cody Jones
Geraldine and Donald Lapham
Kathryn Magee

In honor of Robert Guenther
John Newsome

In Memory of Jim Hamilton
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Warren B. Hendryx
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Jerry Hinson
Pat and John Gandy

In Memory of Jeff Hollier
Jane and Greg Jordan

In Memory of Colleen Hosford
Denise and Greg Bell
Moni Cadigan
Geni and Doug Garrison
Cindy Hayley
Good News Sunday School Class
Margie Hirsch
Linda Kelly
Tanya LaBorde
Barbara and Richard Rotto
Dan and Vicky Shelledy
Doris and Fred Stahelin
Anita Wood

In honor of Louise Kramer
Emptying Nest Class

In Memory of Pauline Lannie
Emptying Nest Class
Elaine and Pete Poulsen

In Memory of Charles Lindahl
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Diane Yee
Helen and Martin Downey

In Memory of Eloise Lindahl
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Helen and Martin Downey

In Memory of Eric Maier
Marilyn and Dale Clinton
Lucy and William Nelson
The Perspectives Class
Carolyn and Larry Townley

In Memory of Jessica Manning
Elizabeth and Jeff Morris

In Memory of Jim Marbach
Cindy Perretti

In Memory of Sean McGowan
Sally and Bobby McGowan

In Memory of Joel McMullen
BJ Dunlap
Dixie Jackson

In Memory of Avalyn Naugle
Susan and Jeff Hollier

In Honor of Dr. Ed and Beverley Robb
Bette Cox
Debbie Stanford
Marsha and Sen. Tommy Williams

In Honor of Nycki and Rev. Mark Sorensen
Bette Cox

In honor of Royce Edwin Read, Jr.
Angie and Darron Gill

In honor of Evelyn Schilling
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Robert Lee Smith
Claire Ruchhoeft
Glenda and Thom Hudson
Good News Sunday School Class
Henry Judelson
Robert Judelson
Susan Parsons
Jerry Reinsdorf
Vicky and Dan Shelledy
Carolyn and Larry Townley

In Memory of Bill Stanford
Debbie Stanford

In Memory of Hugo Urquizu
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Mary and Roy Ward
Markie & Jerry Lawrence

In Memory of Karen Wood
Lucy and William Nelson

Foundation - Unrestricted

Jen and Craig Blackburn
Nancy Brown
Elizabeth and Brad Dunbar
Greg Durio
Chucky Matlock
Micah Matlock
Amy and Peter Kvapil
Heather and David Martinez
Shannon and Bob Truman
Judy and Vern Vincent
Cynthia and Rick Webster

Foundation Restricted

Kim Lesuer


In Honor of Dr. Ed and Beverley Robb
Robbie and Steven Bleakley, Sr.

In Memory of William Anthony Baker
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Dr. Gerald Bodey, Sr.
Kathy and Jerry Bodey, Jr.

In Memory of Jane Collum
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Jim Davies
Betty Luman
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Sue Stephenson
Jennifer Threadgill
Lynne Turner

In Memory of Brenda Berry Hatfield
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Cathy Henderson
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Jack Nickel
Sandra and Bob Schucker

In Memory of Kyle Russell
Elizabeth and Charles Berry
The Perspectives Class
Peggy and Gordon Eldridge
Joanne and Thomas Fowler
Jean and Preston Goodwin
Marie and Harlan Hartman
Tami and Gary Laugharn
Beverly and Perry Murphree
Melanie and Allen Rosenbaum
Evelyn Schilling
The Neighbors of Thornhedge Court

In Memory of Karen Wood
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Marjorie Young
The Perspectives Class

Wendy and James Hosford


In Honor of Dr. Ed and Beverley Robb
Robbie and Steven Bleakley, Sr.

In Memory of Lon, Shirley and Bruce Brooks
Janlyn Brooks

In Memory of Mounah Bayoud
Jane and Greg Jordan

In Memory of Edith Brown
Karen and Martin Krevalis

In Memory of Jim Davies
Penny and Richard Brown

In Memory of Mike Flynn
Pam and Rene Broussard

Pam and Rene Broussard

January 1 – December 31, 2020

In Honor or Memory

In Honor of Leslie and Paul Alexander
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Jerry Armstrong
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Rhett Birdwell
Marsha and Tommy Williams

In Memory of Dr. Gerald Bodey
Suzanne and Bill Bufton
Marie and Harlan Hartman

In Memory of Lyndal Davis
Harry Dillashaw
Emptying Nest Sunday School Class
Gloria and Mark Grayless

In Memory of Pam Dickerson
Jenny and Victor Fettes

In Memory of Betty Dole
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Ann and Ronald Walker

In Memory of Richard W. Geisler
Donna and Anthony Lannie

In Memory of Nancy Gonzalez
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Merle Spoon

In Memory of Judy Jordan Greene
Maha Tayar

In Memory of Gerry Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shelledy

In Memory of Ferol Johnson
Mel Babb
Diana Hall
Marie and Harlan Hartman
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Alice and Mike Widmier

In Memory of Diana Johnston
Eugene Weston

In Memory of Alice Lofton
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
BJ Dunlap

In Memory of R.A. Mackenzie
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Peggy Miner
Sandra and Dr. Bob Schucker

In Honor of Lori and Charles Maurice
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Sean McGowan
Sally and Bobby McGowan

In Memory of Blain Norfleet
Lucy and Bill Nelson

In Memory of Emogene Reese
Dane and Dr. Kermit Parker

In Memory of Margaret Roberts
Sheila Callaway
Sara and George Holtin
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Delia Rowe
Sandra and Dr. Bob Schucker

In Memory of Bill Stanford
Debbie Stanford

In Memory of Louise Anelle Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Charlie Stephenson
Dee and Bishop Bob Hayes
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Claire Ruchhoeft

In Memory of Patricia Strawbridge
The Hoyt Family

In Memory of Norman Storrs
Debbie Stanford

In Memory of Clarence Thompson
BJ Dunlap
Marie and Harlan Hartman
Sara and George Holtin
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Marc Thompson
Lynda and Michael Tinsley

In Memory of Gene Truelove
The Truelove Family

In Memory of Dr. Stephen Taylor White
Jennifer Marquart

In Memory of Kyle Russell
Joyce and Ken Nesmith

In Memory of Mary Anne Collins
Tarrol and Nolan Roberts

In Honor of the forthcoming marriage of Andrew C. Smith and Shelby Lynn Sullivan
Rachel Smith, Posner-Wallace Foundation

Foundation - Unrestricted

Gina Ansell
Morgan Arnett
Megan Becan
Kathryn and Scott Bub
Amanda Cabungcal
Greg Durio
Angie and Darron Gill
Andrea Kendrick
Heather and David Martinez
Barbara and Dan Needham
Emily and Josh Randle
Rebecca and Charles Shirley
Pam and Dave Thomas
Judy and Vern Vincent
Minh Vu
Valerie Walker
Mary Zorn

Foundation Restricted

Kim and Ken LeSuer

In Memory of Ken LeSuer
Staci Bell
Ivy and Chris Clonce
Dianne and Jerry Knoll
Jan Owens
Daniella and Patrick Simpson


In Memory of Dr. Carl Cannon
The Lollis Family

In Memory of Pam Dickerson
Ginger Smith

In Memory of Bernice Haines
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Dianne Link
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Peggy Miner
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Jerry Procknow
Susan and Dean Borg

In Memory of Kyle Russell
Kathy and Bob Beaird
Susannah and Trey Crosthwaite
Martha and Steven Foster
Cheryl and Ken Hampton
Kaye and Carroll Hird
Jill and Marion Houser
Glenda and Thom Hudson
Nelda Hyatt
Sheri Jacks
Eleanor Morse
Joyce and Ken Nesmith
Betty and Jim Patton
Sandra and Bob Schucker
Georganna and Dick Smith
Angela and Dr. Jim Street
Carol and Mark Tefft
Pat Thompson
Kay and Ken Walter

In Memory of Steven Scott
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Danny Shook
Mary and Stan Paur

In Memory of David Teas
Marilyn and Dale Clinton
Lucy and William Nelson

In Memory of James Wesley White III
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

Karen and Marty Krevalis
Lanell Wallach
Jackie and Sean Wyley

Kim and Ken LeSuer

In Memory of Ken LeSuer
Staci Bell
Ivy and Chris Clonce
Dianne and Jerry Knoll
Jan Owens
Daniella and Patrick Simpson

Gina Ansell with Constellation, an Exelon Company

January 1 – December 31, 2019

In Honor or Memory

In Memory of Margaret Beaird, mother of Bob Beaird
Empty Nest Sunday School Class

In Memory of Andrea Bookout
Pat Isbell

In Honor of Alan and Carolyn Bowman’s 60th Wedding Anniversary
Harley and Gloria Reynolds

In Memory of Roger Brady
Jesse and Catherine Garcia

In Memory of Roberta Gullett Briody
Jeff and Denise Seldenrust

In Memory of Jim Brunson
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Helen Bynum, mother of Judy Powell
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Aletha and Jeff Harris
George and Sally Holtin
Larry and Brenda Small
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Greg and Jane Jordan
Judy and Steve Powell

In Memory of Geneva Carroll
Petty Peterson, Kay Sykes, Lois Stafford, and Rene Cathey
Mike and Sheri Curran
Harlan and Marie Hartman
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Eula Cole
George and Sara Holtin
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Patricia Dixon
Troy and Shirley Cox

In Memory of Joe Enis
Lynne Gourlay

In Honor of Gary Eubank
Bob and Connie Horton

In Memory of Jack and Jeanne Eubank
Bob and Connie Horton

In Memory of Esperanza C. Fernandez
Wilma Brockett

In Memory of Elwyn Fink
Andrew and Lesley Child
William and Lucy Nelson
Ed and Glenna Wandling

In Honor of Stew Grant for the wedding of Jonathan and Youngson Shelledy
Dan and Vicky Shelledy

In Memory of Bob Graves
William and Lucy Nelson

In Memory of Ed Grayless
The Perspectives Class

The Perspectives Class

In Loving Memory of Mrs. Verona Bosko Hengst
Jerry Jackson
Jim and Betty Patton
The Pelzl Family
Richard and Blair Read

In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. V.L. Hengst’s 70th Anniversary

In Memory of Shirley Hogue
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Richard Isbell
Matthew and Christine Settlage

In Memory of Bill Jackson
William and Lucy Nelson

In Memory of Art Link
Crystal Link

In Memory of Caleta Linn
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Gerard Maddock
Butch and Diane Parker

In Memory of Bryan McCracken
Good News Sunday School Class
Ron and Donna Ryel
Sally and Glen Taggart

In Memory of Dave Megee
George and Sally Holtin
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Rick and Debbie Neville

In Memory of Milton Brooks McGee
Don and Elaine Buckalew
Elaine Ebner
Diane Hodge
Nathan and Scarlett Hughes
David and Nancy Lacy
Cliff and Elizabeth McDaniel
John and Donna Reagan
Sue Starks

In Memory of Sean McGowan
Sally and Bobby McGowan

In Memory of Jaye McKenery
George and Sara Holtin

In Memory of Gaynell Marsh, mother of Cindy Moss
Markie and Jerry Lawrence

In Memory of Gary Newton
His Family

In Memory of Jerry Procknow
Charles Richard

In Memory of Addie Altha Rawle, mother of Judy Healey
Emptying Nest Class

In Memory of Ed Shierry
Butch and Diane Parker

In Memory of A. Stanley Smith, father of Nancy Williams
Emptying Nest Class

In Memory of Tenel Tayar
Beverley and Jim Armstrong

In Memory of Sarah Thompson
Tom and Gail Tyler

In Memory of David Van Covern
Bob and Jane Chapman
Harlan and Marie Hartman
David and Margery Koogler
Terry Parkening
Charles and Janet Sledge
Jim and Mary Graman

In Memory of Shirley Vaughan
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Margaret Woods
Pam and Kevin Hendryx
Anthony and Donna Lannie
Empty Nest Sunday School Class

Foundation - Unrestricted

Rick Ames
Gina Ansell
Harlan and Marie Hartman
Corrin Hill
Olin Johnson
Charles and Rebecca Shirley
Sue and Charlie Stephenson
Vern and Judy Vincent
Valerie Walker
Mary Zorn

Foundation Restricted

Kim and Ken LeSuer


In Memory of Margaret Beaird, mother of Bob Beaird
Maha Tayar

In Memory of Robert Burnett
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Ron Curington
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Bob Graves
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Richard Isbell
Lynn and Sarita Clough
Pamela Poston
Gary Smith and Sandra Foley-Smith

In Memory of Earl Johnson
Bob and Avalyn Naugle
Frank and Denise Hughes
Jay Endicott
Dick and Georganna Smith
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Anthony and Donna Lannie
Bill and Mickey Nelson
Gregory and Teressa Malloch
Kevin and Pam Hendryx
Margaret Whittenburg
Cloy and Barbara Causey
Bill Kolbe
Jerry and Nedra Brandt
Kim and Sally Bacon
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Greg and Jane Jordan
David and Gloria Hilburn
George and Jane Arnau
Grace White
Margie Reynolds
Harlan and Marie Hartman
Jim and Lisa Short
Ronald and Kathy Wilson
Rick and Debbie Neville
Barbara and Keith Bingham

In Memory of Darrell Jordan, brother of Greg Jordan
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Jewel Preslar
Dale and Linda Smith

In Memory of Jerry Procknow
Victor Cena
Mary and John Gardner
Vicki James
N2 Learning, LC
Cheryl and Ronnie Rice
Carolyn Schmidt

In Memory of Todd Schwendeman
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Tom Scully
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Bill Stanford
Debbie Stanford

In Memory of Jerry Procknow
Vicki James

In Memory of Barry Wertz
Rose Ajamie
Randall Ebner
Ronnie and Brenda Gibson
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Fred and Rebecca Haston
Greg and Jane Jordan
David Mackintosh
Hartley and Jane Mackintosh
Lauren Munn
Peter and Elaine Poulsen
Roy and Faye Romell
Kenny and Gina Rowell
Steve and Diane Sisk
Maha Tayar
Lee Wertz Jr. and family
Dick and Georganna Smith
Bill Kolbe
Mark and GK Merrill
Margaret Whittenburg
Steve and Sue Watkins
Anthony and Donna Lannie
Kim and Sally Bacon
Rick and Debbie Neville


Kelley and Curtis Stubbings

In Memory of Beverly McGrath
Gail Alston
Audrey Cole
Marie and Harlan Hartman
Claire Ruchhoeft
Kay and Ken Walter


Anthony Benedetto and Gayle Storey

January 1 – December 31, 2018

In Honor or Memory

In Memory of Mary Bales
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Texans for Tommy Williams

In Memory of Helen Burgdorf
Patsy Tarvin

In Memory of Geneva Carroll
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of My Dearest Husband, Bill Chandler
Judy Chandler

In Memory of Pam Close
Donald and Laurie Benken

In Honor of MaryAnne Collins
Nolan and Tarrol Roberts

In Memory of Douglas Courville
Robert and Sandra Schucker

In Memory of Virginia Cray
J.D. Joyce
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Charlie and Sue Stephenson
Scot Bucker
Dave and Dee Megee
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Margaret Sambrooks
Wayne and Karen Freeman
Don Hoines
BJ Dunlap
George and Sara Holtin
Clarence Thompson
Patsy Tarvin
Dick and Penny Brown
Olin and Ferol Johnson

In Memory of Peggy Crozier
Robert and Pamela Crozier
Janet Heideman
Jimmy and Judith White

In Memory of Fred Crum
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Greg and Jane Jordan
Peter and Elaine Poulsen

In Memory of Carol Davidson
William and Mickey Nelson

In Memory of Bud Dole
Randal and Dayna Bowman
Christie and Lannie Lovejoy
Donna Smith
Misty Walker
Betty Dole

In Memory of Larkin Dunagin
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Heather Dunagin Schreer

In Memory of Shirley Dunagin
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Honor of Andrew and Mistie Edmonson
Jeff and Elizabeth Morris

In Memory of Cora Grasso
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Memory of Dalva Grayless
The Perspectives Class
Betty Kinney
Doug and Trish Conklin
The Buckalew Family
Jimmy and Angela Drews
Richard and Nancy Spencer
Donnie and Nancy Cole

In Memory of John Steven Haile
John W. Haile

In Memory of Jo Ann Harlan
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Bill and Barbara Scott

In honor of Bishop Bob Hayes
Charlie and Sue Stephenson

In Memory of Lois Hollis
William and Lucy Nelson

In Memory of Karen Hollowell
The Good News Sunday School Class

In Memory of Jim Hood
Donna Abbey
Ed and Glenna Wandling

In Memory of Marvin Hughes
The Emptying Nest Class

In Memory of Irene Hutchings
Edwin and Nancy Schultz

In Memory of Bruce Johnson
The Good News Sunday School Class

In Memory of Neil Johnson
George and Sara Holtin
Jerry and Ann Snyder
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Mary Gene Kimball
Scott Kimball
The Good News Sunday School Class
Mike and Lee Ann Sewell

In Memory of Charles Larance
Fred Bowlin
Barbara Colvin
Harlan and Evelyn Hartman
Bill and Lucy Nelson
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Anita Woywod

In honor of Alex and Zachary Lavender’s baptism
Richard and Pat Lavender

In Memory of Griff Lee
Marcella Mayeur

In Honor of Mark Lewis’ 90th Birthday
Bette Cox
George and Sally Holtin
Charles and Sue Stephenson

In Memory of Art Link
Tommy, Karen, Trey, and Victoria Ellington
Alan Moseley

In Honor of Karen McEvilly
Jeff and Elizabeth Morris

In Memory of Sean McGowan
Bobby and Sally McGowan

In Honor of Rev. Chris McLain
Jeff and Elizabeth Morris

In Memory of Charles Middlebrooks
Sarah Breshears
Frederick Jones
Jane Jones
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Shari Petrash
Charlie and Ann Seay
Charlie and Sue Stephenson
Jared Wilson

In Memory of Kathy Neal
Denise Franklin

In Honor of Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Charlie and Sue Stephenson

In Memory of Gene Rhemann
John and Alice Davis
William and Suzanne Fox
RDand Heather Maedgen
Roy and Sharon Tunnell
Rhonda Perri

In Memory of Deck and Gloria Roberts
Nolan and Tarrol Roberts

In Memory of Nancy Shields
Barbara Miller De Haven
Tommy and Marsha Williams

In Memory of Gladys Faye Sims
Jo Ann Forse

In Memory of Joe Slowensky
Shirald and Suzy Hendriz
The Emptying Nest Class

In Memory of Mamie Sparks
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Bill Stanford
Debbie Stanford

In Memory of Nancy Street
Jim and Angela Street

In Memory of Susan Baxley Tate
Richard Tate

In Honor of Carolyn Taylor
Marolyn Crawford
Julia McMahon

In Memory of Tenel Tayer
Fadia and Youssef Boutros
Lorris Foster
Kathrine Haiman
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Cedars Club of Houston
Greg and Jane Jordan
Ruth Myers
Kenneth and Joyce Nesmith
Peter and Elaine Poulsen
Janet Rhea Aboussie Rosell and Family
Edwin and Mary Zwald

In Memory of George Taylor
Ron and Cyndi Brandt

In Memory of Betty Buckler Thompson
William and Lucy (Caperton) Nelson

In Memory of Sarah Thompson
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Don Toth
Harlan and Marie Hartman
George and Sara Holtin
Clarence Thompson

In Honor of Elizabeth Voran
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Judy Wipff, mother of Terry Loughridge
Evelyn Schilling

In memory of John Zappa
Suzanne Bufton

Foundation Unrestricted

Gina Ansell
Nick and Heather Henley
Joe and Emily Herbster
Ryan Johnson
David Martinez
Penny Prater
Charles and Rebecca Shirley
Vern and Judy Vincent
Mary Zorn
Valerie Walker
Vern and Judy Vincent

Foundation Restricted


In Memory of Karen Dean
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Jim Foghino, father of Sherry Lewallen
Greg and Jane Jordan
Evelyn Schilling

In Memory of Kellie Fowler
The Perspectives Class

In Honor of Jean and Preston Goodwin’s 50th Anniversary
Monday Women’s Emmaus Group at The Woodlands Methodist Church

In Memory of Pete Lannie, father of Anthony Lannie
Emptying Nest Class
Bob and Avalyn Naugle
Jerry and Ann Snyder

In Memory of William Skillern, Sr. and William Skillern, Jr.
Mary Skillern

In Memory of Tom Stepp
Sally Allison
The Perspectives Class
Mike and Beth Coulson
Brian and Leslie Smith
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Nancy Street
Jim and Angela Street

The Ken and Kim LeSuer Endowment Fund
Ken and Kim LeSuer

January 1 – December 31, 2017

In Honor or Memory

In Loving Memory of Tommy Ault
Norma Ault

In Memory of Garry Bell
Jim Street

In Memory of Bill Benham
Good News Sunday School Class
Mike and Lee Ann Sewell
George and Jane Arnau

In Honor of the wedding of Ben and Nadia Binkley
J.D. and Shazia Lightsey

In memory of Garnet Boldrey, mother of Cathy Wright
Mike and Lee Ann Sewell

In Appreciation of Judi Bonds
Dave and Dee Megee

In Memory of Elizabeth Broomfield
Perspectives Class

In Memory of Morris Bumgarner
Emptying Nest Class
Perspectives Class
Ed and Glenna Wandling

In Memory of John Burford
Helen Acord

In Memory of William Chandler
Arthur Schneider
Bill and Mickey Nelson

In Memory of Milton “Buddy” Cole, husband of Eula Cole
George and Sally Holtin
Dave and Dee Megee

In Memory of Bill Craig
William and Sarah Myers
Rick and Barbara Grundy
Ted and Carla Joyce
Ron and Cyndi Brandt
Umar and Susan Singh
Ken and Joyce Reynolds
Jack and Cherie Murph
Shay and Fred Husler
Terry and Nancy Mahan
Paula Van Osdell
Davida Baxter
Debbie Stanford

In Memory of James Gregory Crawford and James Milford Crawford
Jeff and Diane Paul

In Memory of Bud Dole
Mike and Alice Widmier
Linda Floyd
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Clarence Thompson
Caleta Linn
Leland Tate
Dale and Marilyn Clinton

In Memory of Clint Cunningham, brother of Charla Duggins
William and Lucy Nelson

In Honor of Jeanette Downham’s Birthday
Caleta Linn

In memory of Leon Duff, father of Jimmy Duff and Randy Duff
Emptying Nest Sunday School Class

In Appreciation of Elder Ride Ministry, specifically Ken and Linda Keith, as well as Martha Taylor
Dave and Dee Megee

In memory of Tom Ellison, husband of Linda Ellison
Jerome and Jo Ann Reininger

In Memory of Gary Everett
Kenneth and Joyce Nesmith
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cobb
Bill and Mickey Nelson
Clarence Thompson
Ken and Kay Walter

In memory of T.S. Farr
Emil Farr

In memory of Eloise Cram Frampton
Jeff and Elizabeth Morris

In Memory of Mary Ellen (Hawes) Gleske
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Nola Guest
Good News Sunday School Class

In Honor of Smith and Pike Jahncke
Glenn and Judy Smith

In memory of Bjarne Haegeland
Helen Haegeland

In Memory of Carol Hantman, husband of Jerry Hantman
Jerry Hantman

In Honor of James Holloman’s Baptism
Dennis and Marie Fleming

In Memory of Kristie Howard
Bill and Mickey Nelson

In Honor of John Hull and his Harvey volunteer army
Barbara Dunlap

In Honor of the LaChance Family
Kylle and Donna Ayer

In Honor of Georgia and Merritt Mahoney
Glenn and Judy Smith

In Memory of Dave and Lida Marks
Debbie Marks Sofranko

In Memory of Sean William McGowan
Bobby and Sally McGowan

In Memory of Bob and Ernestine Mitchell
Mina Bright

In Memory of Ernestine Mitchell, wife of Bob Mitchell
Kenneth and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Troy McQuain
Kevin McQuain

In Memory of Faye Monroe
Tom and Linda Wesling

In Memory of Louise Murdy and Sarah Scott, sisters of Jane Ann Arnau
Stephanie Schoppe

In Memory of Bob Myers, husband of Ruth Myers
Harlan and Marie Hartman
George and Sally Holtin
Hartley and Jane Mackintosh
Ruth Myers
Kenneth and Joyce Nesmith
Charles and Sue Stephenson
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Bill Neely
Rhonda Daly

In Honor of Rev. Jason Nelson
Kenneth and Joyce Nesmith

In Honor of Ken and Joyce Nesmith’s 60th anniversary
George and Sally Holtin

In Honor of the Olbrich Family
Kylle and Donna Ayer

In Memory of Norma Ornelas
Jeff and Denise Seldenrust

In Memory of Emory Peddicord, husband of Joanne Peddicord
David and Lois Barr
Paul Green
Jeff and Aletha Harris
William and Lucy Nelson
Charles Sorrels
Wendell Williams

In Memory of George Pollard
Pam Pollard

In Memory of Mary Lou Prince
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Vern and Judy Vincent

In Memory of Luther Winn Randerson
Jeff and Elizabeth Morris

In Memory of Dyanne Reynolds
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Honor of Ashley Scott
Keith and Bronya Coleman

In Memory of Lorraine Sorum
Laurie Clark

In Memory of D. Orval Strong
Jeff and Elizabeth Morris

In Memory of Jerry Lynn Suchma
John and Kathy Agee

In Memory of John Taylor
Sarah Hale
Julia McMahon

In Honor of Sarah Thompson
Gail Tyler
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Marjorie Townley, mother of Larry Townley
Harlan and Marie Hartman
George and Sally Holtin
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Larry and Carolyn Townley

In Honor of TWMC Camera Club
Richard Chesney

In Honor of Eleanor de Verges
Steve and Janet Anna

In Honor of Eloise Adriane Chen Verstringhe and her baptism
Herbert and Lana Shapiro

In Memory of Walter Vetterick
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Harry Weber
Judy Hall and Family
Kathy Lake and Family

In Memory of Glenn Wharton
Dennis and Joyce Woodley

In Memory of Georgia Wise, mother of Susan Brown
Kim and Sally Bacon

In Memory of Stephen Young

Foundation Unrestricted

Gina Ansell
Tim & Emily Bailey
Nick & Heather Henley
Quentin and Shanon Hicks
Jim and Wendy Hosford
Keith & Debbie Hotard
Peter & Amy Kvapil
Connie Paynter
Leah Schatzki
Charles and Rebecca Shirley
Mike and Jennifer Sims
David Sudderth
Vern and Judy Vincent
John VanderVoot
Curtis Young

Foundation Restricted


In Memory of Morris Bumgarner
Peter and Elaine Poulsen

In Memory of William Chandler
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Edna Colagrande
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Clint Cunningham, brother of Charla Duggins
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Gary Everett
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Kenda Faulkner
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Lila Justus, mother of Bill Justus
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Bob Mitchell
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Our Beloved Daughter, Kimberly Naugle
Bob and Avalyn Naugle

In Memory of Emory Peddicord, husband of Joanne Peddicord
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Florence Ramsey
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Richard Reynolds, father of Becky Seeber
Kim and Sally Bacon

In Memory of Bill Stanford
Deborah Stanford

In Memory of Marjorie Townley, mother of Larry Townley
The Perspectives Sunday School Class
Tommy and Mamie Polk

In Honor of Dixie Wilson’s 92nd Birthday, mother of Ron Wilson
Bob and Avalyn Naugle

The Society of St. Stephen Endowment Fund
Mr. Anthony Benedetto
Ms. Gayle Storey

In Memory of Stephen Young
Erin Crocker

The Woodlands Methodist School Scholarship Endowment
Stephen and Jennifer Wright
Justin and Laurie Shults

Luc DeVeau Endowment Fund
Alan and and Michele Cook

The Ken and Kim LeSuer Endowment Fund
Ken and Kim LeSuer

January 1 – December 31, 2016

In Honor or Memory

In Memory of John McDowell “L.J.” Allen, IV, son of John “Jack” and Jessica Allen, III
Ken and Linda Feld

In Memory of Leo William Amelunke, Jr., father of Mark Amelunke
Randy and Amy Jones
Derle and Gay Lindner
Don and Kay Meador
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In memory of Rex Alman, Jr., father of Rex Alman, III
Jeff and Susan Hollier

In Memory of Annabelle Armburst, mother of Joyce Woodley
Billy and Sheri Brown
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Thom and Glenda Hudson

In Memory of Tommy Ault, husband of Norma Ault
Norma Ault

In Honor of Sally Bacon's Retirement
Jay, Whitley and Joshua Frank
Steve and Becky Hamrick
George and Sally Holtin
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Evelyn Schilling
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Jerry Bedingfield, father of Steven Bedingfield
Sally and Kim Bacon

In memory of Margaret Behne, mother of Sheri Brown
Andrew and Lesley Child
Roland Dendy
Linda Dragone
Peter and Elizabeth Gaulton
Thom and Glenda Hudson
Ronnie and Bonnie Lee
Butch and Diane Parker
Deb Stein
Peter and Nancy Storms
Dennis and Joyce Woodley

In memory of Floyd Bhymer, father of Pam Tesch
Steve and Becky Hamrick

In memory of Garnet Boldrey, mother of Cathy Wright
Dave and Dee Megee
Clarence Thompson
Dennis and Joyce Woodley

In Memory of Larry Brown, father of Lauri Ritter
Sally and Kim Bacon

In Memory of Collin Campbell, son of Mike and Becky Campbell
David and Brenda Trifon
Tommy and Marsha Williams

In Memory of Barby Carroll, beloved husband of Geneva Carroll
William Nettles, Jr.

In Honor of Geneva Carroll
Dave and Dee Megee

In Memory of Carrol Caswell, mother of Mary Schwendeman
Linda Hurley
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Don Cole, father of Dr. Wil Cole
Jeff and Susie Shipley

In Memory of Milton "Buddy" Cole, husband of Eula Cole
Bruce and JoAnn Johnson
Olin and Ferol Johnson
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Clarence Thompson
Elizabeth Voran

In Memory of Stan Cole, Jr., son of Audrey Cole
Jim and Betty Patton

In Memory of Christie Christopher, daughter of Florence Locke
Lynn Bryne
Lisa and Laura Pretorius
Mike and Deanna White

In Memory of Clarence "Bud" Crozier, husband of Peggy Crozier
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Carol H. Curry, mother of Fran Henderson
Harlan and Julie Bergen

In Memory of Travis Dafft, son of Gary Dafft and Teresa Dafft
Tom and Carol Sloan

In Memory of Darrell Daniels, husband of Darlene Daniels
Linda Fraser
Hollico, Inc.
Lien-Huong Pham
Bill and Betty Schellpeper
Qunheuane and Sissy Thevanh
Gloria Zvolanek

In Memory of Luc DeVeau, son of David and Melissa DeVeau
Jeff and Jenny Lee

In Memory of Robert Downing, husband of Janet Downing
The Emptying Nest Sunday School Class

In memory of Rita Jo Duff, mother of Jimmy Duff and Randy Duff
The Emptying Nest Sunday School Class
Peter and Elaine Poulsen

In Honor of Barbara Dunlap
Pam Herron

In Memory of Jeanine Early, wife of Thomas Early
Dan and Bryna Cox
Tom Early
Rhonda Koether
Jerry and Kim Larance
Charles and Paula Patronella
Carl and Gaye Voelkel

In Memory of Carolyn S. Fisher
T. E. and Jo Beth Bailey
Jill Benton
College High Reunion Fund
Barbara Dunlap
Gary Ervin
Garnett and Carole Fisher
Mark and Leah Fisher
John and Faith Flynn
Elizabeth Grammer
Ronald and Grace Jones
Sharon A. King
Bruce and Diane Kink
Clarann McCoy
Sara Nowak
Jeff and Diane Paul
George and Marcia Pollitt
Mary Ann Shaw
Thomas and Karen Smiley
Karen E. Smith
Charles and Robin Sullivan
Marshall and Jo Ellen Whitworth

In Memory of Glenn and Barbara Friend, parents of Linda Feld
Sally and Kim Bacon
Jerry and Annette Toenjes

In Memory of Merrill Galloway, husband of Cathy Galloway
Greg and Jane Jordan
Bill and Mickey Nelson

In Memory of William "Dooley" George, husband of Sandra George
Sandra George

In Honor of Betty Gibson and Harvey Schraeder's Marriage
Lynda and Cecil Gilbreath

In Honor of Cassidy Carla Haddox, wife of Randy Haddox
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Memory of Jerry Harris, husband of Nadyne Harris
Clarence Thompson
Barbara Dunlap

In Memory of Jimmy Hayley, father of Jerry Hayley
Sally and Kim Bacon

In Memory of Gerri Hawley
Jeff and Denise Seldenrust

In Memory of Cassidy Jade Hess, daughter of Jud and Kim Hess
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Memory of Eugene Hollas
Jeff and Denise Seldenrust

In Honor of George and Sally Holtin
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Terry Honeycutt, father of Dr. Jennifer Breazeale
Jeff and Susie Shipley

In Memory of Joe Hurley, husband of Linda Hurley
Stephen and Pam Bertone
Bill and Mickey Nelson
P.E.O. Sisterhood
Richard and Judy Purgason
Tuesday Morning Disciple Bible Study Group

In Memory of William “Bill” Jensen
Sally Greaver
Brian Jensen
Ann Tannehill

In Honor of Jane Jordan, for her love of mission work

In memory of Patricia "Patty" Lammers, wife of Tom Lammers
Lewis and Carolyn Bock
Richard Bock
Catherine Bock Golonski
Drew Larson

In honor of Dr. Mark Lewis
Bette Cox

In Memory of Charles Lloyd
Mrs. Rex Shanks, Jr.

In Memory of William David Malek, son of Darin and Ali Malek
David and Angel Cox

In memory of Sean McGowan, son of Bobby and Sally McGowan
Bobby and Sally McGowan

In Honor of Rev. Don Meador’s 50th Year of Ministry
Kim and Sally Bacon
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Anne Tannehill
Clarence Thompson

In honor of Aubrey McQuain, daughter of Jerrod and Erin McQuain
Kevin and Debra McQuain

In honor of Presley McQuain, daughter of Justin and Kalyn McQuain
Kevin and Debra McQuain

In Memory of Joe Nachman
Bill and Lucy Nelson
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Rosemary Nachman, wife of Joe Nachman
Bill and Mickey Nelson
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Marjorie Neeper
Maxine Wheaton

In Memory of Eli Nichols
Jeff and Denise Seldenrust

In Memory of Eunice Norfleet
William and Lucy Nelson

In Memory of Tina Pillow Oberkfell
Barbara Dunlap

In Memory of Steve Overbeck, husband of Frannie Overbeck
Frannie Overbeck
Jack Overbeck

In Memory of Lyn Perkins
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Memory of George Pollard, husband of Pam Pollard
Kevin and Leah Anderson
Louise and Charles Donaldson
David and Tami Donaldson and Family
Peter and Pat Eckdahl
Lynn and Mike Healy and Family
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Don Hoines
Greg and Jane Jordan
Ann and Jim Lawnin
David and Sharon McDonald
Bill and Mickey Nelson
Jack and Caryn Patton
Peter and Elaine Poulsen
Clarence Thompson
Larry and Carolyn Townley
David and Sandy Van Covern
Tommy and Marsha Williams

In memory of Elizabeth Prince
Jim and Betty Patton

In Honor of Bill and Lois Ramey
Pam Herron

In Memory of Ernest Gordon Ratcliff, father of Stephen Ratcliff
Bill and Alexis McClain

In honor of Cliff and Mary Satterfield
Bette Cox

In memory of Nathan Read, father of Debbie Stanford
Rob and Linda Eissler
David Green
Bill and Mary Johnson
Richard and Rebecca Langley
Randy and JoAnne Lowry
Linda Manning

In Memory of Burt Robbins, husband of Linda Robbins
Linda Robbins

In Memory of Deck & Gloria Roberts
Nolan and Tarrol Roberts

In Honor of Tarrol Roberts
Nolan Roberts

In Memory of Helen Rowland, mother of Connie Paynter
Jim and Betty Patton
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Betty Rutter
Barbara Dunlap
Lillian Lowther
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Clarence Thompson
Resolve GeoSciences, Inc.

In Honor of Florence Saltzman's 100th Birthday
Wayne and Karen Freeman
Marilyn Stinson

In Memory of Mary Ellen Scaff
Jim and Betty Patton

In Memory of Harrison Scott, brother of William Scott
Harlan and Marie Hartman
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Kaden Serafin, son of Carmen and Kristi Serafin
Phillip and Sophia Howard

In Honor of Fordham Shaw, son of Matt and Lauren Shaw
Kevin and Debra McQuain

In Memory of Jerry Slaven, brother of Joyce Nesmith
Charlie and Sue Stephenson

In Memory of William Specht, husband of Janet Specht
Margery Hedges

In Honor of Debbie Stanford
Pat Thompson

In Memory of Dortha Taylor
Judi Bonds
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Nadyne Harris
Dave and Dee Megee
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Evelyn Schilling
Mary Jon Smith
Clarence Thompson
Kay and Ken Walter

In Memory of Donald Toth, Jr., son of Norma and Don Toth
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Nathaniel David Trushenski, son of Ryan and Julie Trushenski
Nancy Volmert

In Memory of Brenda Joyce Wilson, mother of Tami Hurt
Friends from Radiant and Emmaus

Foundation Unrestricted

Gina and Kerry Ansell
Steven and Julie Bedingfield
Barbara Dunlap
Christina Fuller
Orlanda Grant
Charles and Rebecca Shirley
Vern and Judy Vincent

Foundation Restricted

The Luc William DeVeau Endowment Fund

In Memory of Luc William DeVeau, son of David and Melissa DeVeau
Deborah DeVeau

The Patricia Ann and Jack Powell Endowment Fund
Jack Powell

In Memory of Annabelle Armbrust, mother of Joyce Woodley
John and Cathy Wright

In Memory of Garnet Boldrey, mother of Cathy Wright
Jack Powell

In Memory of Eleanor Smith, mother of Mike Smith
Jack Powell



In honor of Tony Benedetto
Tommy and Mamie Polk

In Memory of Milton Cole, husband of Eula Cole
Ed and Glenna Wandling

In Honor of Martin and Pat Craighead
Matt Krohn

In Memory of Clarence "Bud" Crozier, husband of Peggy Crozier
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In honor of Lorrie Foster's 90th birthday
Kim and Sally Bacon

In Memory of Merrill Galloway, husband of Cathy Galloway
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Milo Haselton
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Joe Hurley, husband of Linda Hurley
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of William “Bill” Jensen
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Gail Johnson
Dianne Link
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Irene Mayfield, mother of Ken Mayfield
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Rosemary and Joe Nachman, parents of Rick Nachman
Deborah Stanford

In memory of Troy Jay McQuain, son of Charles and Wanda Williams
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In memory of George Pollard, husband of Pam Pollard
Harry "Mack" Brown
Doug and Geni Garrison
Harlan and Marie Hartman
The Perspectives Sunday School Class
Mamie and Tommy Polk

In memory of Gary Pringle, father of Debra Wymore
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Lillian Roberts, mother of Elizabeth Berry
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Patricia Roman, mother of John Hoyt
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Memory of Suzanne "Suzy" Seright, mother of Missy Jacobson
Kim and Sally Bacon

In memory of William “Bill” Stanford, husband of Deborah Stanford
Deborah Stanford

In Honor of The Woodlands Camera Club
The Residents of The Village at The Waterway

In honor of James Street and Angela Troth's wedding
Kim and Sally Bacon

In Honor of Susan and Bill Thacker
The Perspectives Sunday School Class

The Society of St. Stephen Endowment Fund
Mr. Anthony Benedetto
Ms. Gayle Storey

In Memory of Tom Causey, son of Cloy and Barbara Causey
Cloy and Barbara Causey

In Memory of Richard Harris, husband of Kelly Harris
Kevin and Sherri Tart

The Woodlands Methodist School Scholarship Endowment Fund

In honor of Georgia Mahoney's Confirmation, daughter of Kelly and Coco Mahoney
Glenn and Judy Smith

The Woodlands Methodist Church Student Missions Endowment Fund

Jim and Wendy Hosford

January 1 – December 31, 2015

Foundation Restricted

Establishment of The Gordon and Lynne Turner Scholarship Endowment Fund
Lynne Turner

The Lynda Whitley Frank Endowment Fund
Kim and Sally Bacon
Nancy Elliott
Jay Frank
Larry and Nancy Gunter

The Patricia Ann and Jack B. Powell Endowment Fund
Jack Powell

Society of St. Stephen Endowment Fund
Bill and Mickey Nelson

The Woodlands Methodist School Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kim and Sally Bacon
Justin and Laurie Shults

Foundation Unrestricted

Marcus and Joyce Allen
Amazon Smile Foundation
Jim and Robyn Austin
Kim and Sally Bacon
Steven and Julie Bedingfield
Dennis and Michele Brown
Russ and Shirley Dorr
Todd and Kathy Gibson
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Gregg and Missy Jacobson
Ken and Linda Keith
Mary Jon Smith
The Merck Foundation – Todd Gibson
Vern and Judy Vincent

In Honor or Memory

In Honor of Lila Jo Alexander, daughter of John and Robin Alexander
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Genia Alston, mother of Gail Alston
Steve and Becky Hamrick

In Memory of Sue Elizabeth Anna, mother of Steve Anna
Kim and Sally Bacon
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Tommy and Marsha Williams

In Memory of Wayne Armbrust, father of Joyce Woodley
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Thom and Glenda Hudson
Gary and Tami Laugharn
Butch and Diane Parker

In Memory of Larry Arnold, husband of Lynda Arnold
Lynda Arnold

In Memory of Tommy Ault, husband of Norma Ault
Norma Ault

In Memory of Tony Baldwin, husband of Sheryl Baldwin
Ken and Joanne Noack

In Memory of Nettie Blackwell
Jonathan and Jennifer Breazeale

In Honor of Chris and Kim Biggerstaff, Confirmation Leaders
Eric and Denise Lipar

In Honor of Judi Bonds
Dave and Dee Megee

In Honor of Aaron and Lisa Carlson, Confirmation Leaders
Greg and Melinda Holt

In Memory of Tom Causey, son of Cloy and Barbara Causey
Cloy and Barbara Causey

In Memory of Christie Locke Christopher, wife of Al Christopher
Linda Lantier
Elba Lawson
Janice and James Mach
Linda Sharpe

In Memory of Jim Clark, husband of Pat Clark
David and Margery Koogler

In Memory of Marilyn Cochran, mother of Brad Cochran
Kim and Sally Bacon
Maxine Cooper, Cindy, Denise and Families
Bud and Betty Dole
B.J. Dunlap
Richard and Barbara Fulmer
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Harlan and Marie Hartman
George and Sally Holtin
Greg and Jane Jordan
Derle and Gay Lindner
Caleta Linn
Dave and Dee Megee
Bob and Judy Miller
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Mary Jon Smith
Marilyn Stinson
Ann Tannehill
Clarence Thompson
Elizabeth Voran

In Memory of Stan Cole, husband of Audrey Cole
Abbie Gibson and Family
Greg and Becky Hauptman
Joseph and Joyce McGlohn
Marjorie Neeper
Jim and Betty Patton
Carrie Strickland
Ken and Kay Walter
Maxine Wheaton

In Memory of Charlie Corbit
White Fox Travel

In Memory of George Cornwell, father of Mike Cornwell
Bob and Avalyn Naugle

In Honor of Abigail Perry Crabbe’s Baptism, daughter of Will and Katie Crabbe
Pat and Bernice Norris

In Honor of Virginia Cray’s 95th Birthday, mother of Helen Burgdorf
Dave and Dee Megee

In Memory of Rev. Lanny Curry, husband of Darla Curry
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Memory of Anne Curtin
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Honor of Julia Claire Daniels’ Baptism and Confirmation, daughter of Joel and Patricia Daniels
Joel and Patricia Daniels

In Memory of Ann DeSteiguer, Sister of Kay Meador
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Luc DeVeau, son of David and Melissa Deveau
Deborah DeVeau

In Memory of Bill Downham, husband of Jeanette Downham, father of Skip Downham
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Clarence Thompson

In Honor of B.J. Dunlap
Pam Herron

In Memory of Thelma Farr, mother of Emil Farr
George and Sally Holtin

In Memory of Thomas Felton, father of Bibbi Anderson
Randy and Amy Jones

In Honor of Joshua Taft Frank’s Confirmation, son of Jay Frank
Kim and Sally Bacon

In Honor of Donna Freeman, Confirmation Leader
Steven and Cathy Bleakley
Dennis and Jeanine Kinzie

In Memory of Karen Freeman’s mother
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Wendell Frerichs, brother of Bea Thompson
Caleta Linn

In Memory of Ann Galatas, wife of Roger Galatas
Kim and Sally Bacon
Robert and Barbara Collie, Jr.
Greg and Jane Jordan
Michael and Vicki Richmond
Waylan and Karen West

In Memory of Merrill Galloway, husband of Cathy Galloway Anonymous

In Honor of Jennifer Graff, Confirmation Leader
Steven and Cathy Bleakley
Dennis and Jeanine Kinzie

In Memory of Ray Green, father of Kathy Wilson
Jerry and Nedra Brandt
Earl and Pat Johnson
Bob and Avalyn Naugle

In Honor of Stephanie Gunter, Confirmation Leader
Eric and Denise Lipar

In Honor of Natalie Hardman, Confirmation Leader
Jim and Kristi Nickel

In Memory of Nancy Head, mother of Jane Ahrens
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Tommy and Mamie Polk
Patsy Tarvin
Geraldine Uecker

In Honor of George and Sally Holtin
Dave and Dee Megee

In Memory of Joyce Horni
Jonathan and Jennifer Breazeale

In Memory of Charlie Hudson
Jeff and Denise Seldenrust

In Memory of Ann Jeffrey
Jayne Smith

In Honor of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Nolan and Tarrol Roberts

In Honor of JoAnn Johnson’s 80th Birthday
Barry and Nancy Wertz

In Memory of James Jongeward, husband of Glenda Jongeward
Mari Lu Williams

In Honor of Diane Juergens
Dennis and Joyce Woodley

In Memory of Jim Juergens, husband of Diane Juergens
Greg and Jane Jordan
Dennis and Joyce Woodley

In Memory of J. Ellsworth Kalas
Empty Nest Sunday School Class

In Memory of Martha Ann Kappel, wife of Fred Kappel
Kim and Sally Bacon
Donald and Michelle Caudill
Dale and Marilyn Clinton
Greg and Jane Jordan
Bill and Mickey Nelson
Perspectives Sunday School Class
Mike and Amy Street
Jim Street

In Memory of Marilyn and Leslie Kemp, parents of Jessica Kemp and Missy Kemp Herndon
Wayne and Missy Herndon
Leslie Kemp and David Park

In Honor of Robert Kent, Confirmation Leader
Dave and Tish Raymond

In Memory of Jim Killian
Ted and Charlene Trascher

In Memory of Roberta Kintigh
James Davis

In Honor of Elizabeth May Kniffen’s Baptism, daughter of Tony and Jillian Kniffen
Tony and Jillian Kniffen

In Memory of Marie Knowles, mother of Chuck Abernathy
Steve and Becky Hamrick

In Memory of Pete Laird, father of Kevin Laird
Barry and Nancy Wertz

In Memory of Vance LeCrone, husband of Amy LeCrone
Dr. and Mrs. Ross Shipp

In Honor of Katie Malek’s birth, daughter of Darin and Alli Malek
David and Angel Cox

In Honor of Tom Martin’s 75th Birthday
William E. Dark

In Memory of Bernard Matyshak, father of Micki Mensio
Kim and Sally Bacon
Amy and Randy Jones
Evelyn Schilling

In Memory of Bob May, father of Staci Brady
Evelyn Schilling

In Honor of Lesa and Bart McDonald
Lesley Child

In Memory of Sean McGowan, son of Bobby and Sally McGowan
Bobby and Sally McGowan

In Honor of Dave and Dee Megee
Pete and Marjorie Peterson

In Honor of Ashton Louis Miller’s Baptism, son of Matthew and Kathleen Miller
Matthew and Kathleen Miller

In Memory of Jo Beth Miller, mother of Donna Neumann
Emptying Nest Sunday School Class

In Memory of Ralph Montgomery, son of Jacquie Weidemeyer
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of John Morgan, husband of Dee Morgan and father of Kathy Washburn
Rhonda Atchetee
Neal and Helen Baker
Jonathan and Jennifer Breazeale
Andy and Sue Lacara
George Menghi
Butch and Diane Parker
Jim and Betty Patton
Peter and Elaine Poulsen
Emptying Nest Sunday School Class

In Memory of John “Jack” Morton, father of Dave Morton
Dale and Marilyn Clinton
Harlan and Marie Hartman
George and Sally Holtin
Isaac Kreutzer
Joe and Fanelle Laughlin
Dave and Dee Megee
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Margaret Roberts
Marilyn Stinson
Clarence Thompson
Helen Thornton

In Memory of Jack and Katherine Morton, parents of Dave Morton
Ed and Glenna Wandling

In Memory of Joe Mulvey
Thom and Glenda Hudson
Evelyn Schilling
Jim and Martha Sorrells

In Memory of Kimberly Naugle, daughter of Bob and Avalyn Naugle
Bob and Avalyn Naugle

In Memory of Delores Nelson
Bill and Mickey Nelson

Bill and Mickey Nelson
OK Quilters
Joanne Black
Garnet Boldrey
Bernice Brown
Carole DeFord
Phyllis Johnson
Ann Lauterbach
Caleta Linn
Elizabeth McCarty
Dee Megee
Nancy Miller
Connie Norton
Minerva Urquizu
Mary Lou Prince
Emma Reed
Margaret Roberts
Dutch Swearingen
Patsy Tarvin

In Honor of Grant Nickel’s Confirmation, son of Jim and Kristi Nickel
Jim and Kristi Nickel

In Memory of Thomas Norfleet
Bill and Mickey Nelson

In Honor of Blake and Brody Palmer’s Baptism, sons of Travis and Vanessa Palmer
Steve and Rita Thysell

In Memory of Elsa Pemberton
Emptying Nest Sunday School Class

In Honor of Bill and Lois Ramey
Pam Herron

In Memory of Bob Reynolds, husband of Margie Reynolds
Bob and Avalyn Naugle
Margie Reynolds
Paul and Patti Walker
Margaret Whittenburg
Ron and Kathy Wilson

In Memory of Mason Bennett Richardson, son of Thomas and Kathryn Huchton Richardson
Anthony and Donna Lannie
Barry and Nancy Wertz

In Memory of Burt Robbins, husband of Linda Robbins
Linda Robbins

In Memory of Rosemary Roe
Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Honor of Noah Sawran’s Baptism, son of Chris and Wendee Sawran
Mike and Linda Sawran

In Memory of Jack Schilling, husband of Evelyn Schilling
Evelyn Schilling

In Memory of Cynthia Schosser
Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Honor of Sara Grace Schweiker’s Baptism and Confirmation, daughter of Christian and Brook Schweiker
Jon and Worth Krenytsky

In Memory of Carol Koefoot Seitz, sister of Ann Snyder
Kim and Sally Bacon
Randy and Amy Jones
Jeff and Susie Shipley

In Honor of Jake Seldenrust’s Confirmation, son of Jeff and Denise Seldenrust
Jeff and Denise Seldenrust

In Memory of Meredith Max Sharpe, brother-in-law of Aletha Harris
Jean Corbin
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Greg and Jane Jordan
Alison J. McMillian, DDS
David Pozorski and Anna Romanski
Elizabeth Ralston
Linda Sharpe
Harley and Martha Tripp
Tommy and Marsha Williams

In Memory of Donna Shaw
Perspectives Sunday School Class

In Honor of Taylor Shook’s Eagle Scout Award, son of Deweie and Kay Shook
Deweie and Kay Shook

In Honor of Cheryl Simcox, Confirmation Leader
Dave and Tish Raymond

In Honor of Jennifer Sims – 2015 Confirmation Director
John and Deidre Northcott

In Memory of Lorraine Sorum, wife of Lyle Sorum
Dave and Dee Megee
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Bill Stanford, husband of Debbie Stanford
Steve and Janet Anna
Kim and Sally Bacon
Casey and Karen Borowski
Joni Cope
Dan and Bryna Cox
Linda Eissler
Linda Feld
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Charles Jansky Family
Shannon Lamons
Richard and Rebecca Langley
Lisa Lawson
JoAnne Lowry
Linda Manning
Sandra Novak
Tommy and Mamie Polk
Jeffrey and Helen Runnels
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwarz
Thomas Scully
Debbie Stanford
Steve and Pam Tamas
Waylan and Karen West

In Memory of Jim Stinson, husband of Marilyn Stinson
Olin and Ferol Johnson
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Kathleen Street, wife of Jim Street
Jim Street

In Memory of Sara Hill Swan, mother of Bob Swan
Kim and Sally Bacon
Peter and Elaine Poulsen

In Memory of George and Bess Taylor, parents of Gaye Craig
Bill and Gaye Craig

In Honor of Clarence Thompson’s 90th Birthday
Kim and Sally Bacon
George and Sally Holtin
Dave and Dee Megee
Charles and Sue Stephenson
Marilyn Stinson
Dave Thompson and Judy Jesiolowski
Harold Thompson
Tom and Gail Thompson Tyler

In Memory of Sarah Thompson, wife of Clarence Thompson
Dave Thompson and Judy Jesiolowski
Harold Thompson
Tom and Gail Thompson Tyler

In Memory of Nathaniel David Trushenski, son of Ryan and Julie Trushenski
Nancy Volmert

In Honor of Rick and Kim Ulasewich, Confirmation Leaders
Eric and Denis Lipar

In Honor of Johna VanRoekel, Confirmation Leader
Eric and Denise Lipar

In Memory of Abby Walker, daughter of Glynn and Deborah Walker
Gary and Tami Laugharn

In Honor of Wednesday Night Ladies Bible Study
Tony Benedetto and Gayle Storey

In Memory of John Wing
Jonathan and Jennifer Breazeale

In Honor of Claire Elizabeth Winningham’s Baptism and Confirmation, daughter of Gary and Sara Winningham
Gary and Sara Winningham

In Memory of Rhodes Wright, son of John Wright
Jack Powell
Margaret Roberts

January 1 – December 31, 2014

Foundation Restricted

Tony Benedetto and Gayle Storey
Bob and Avalyn Naugle

Foundation Restricted | TWMC Missions Endowment Fund

Tony Benedetto and Gayle Storey

Foundation Unrestricted

Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program — Lanell Wallach
Todd Gibson
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Claude and Pam Kenner
Daniel and Whitney Sexton Lehmann
Merck Foundation — Todd Gibson
Charles and Rebecca Shirley
Vern and Judy Vincent
Lanell Wallach

In Honor or Memory

In Honor of my parents’ 69th wedding anniversary, Lyle and Lorraine Sorum
Laurie Clark

In Memory of Sarah Thompson, wife of Clarence Thompson
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of James Voran, husband of Elizabeth Voran
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Lynda Whitley Frank
Nancy Elliott
Larry and Nancy Gunter

In Memory of J.R. Carpenter
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Tommy Tyler
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Kalyn Green
Rob and Linda Eissler

In Memory of Ed and Virginia Langley
Rob and Linda Eissler

In Memory of Ed Langley
Olin and Ferol Johnson
Linda Manning
George Platt
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of our fathers — Roy Gunter and Kermit Parker, Sr.
Butch and Diane Parker

In Honor of Gary and Tami Laugharn
Edward Shierry

In Honor of my patients, staff and family after 10 years practicing medicine in The Woodlands
Dr. Peter Bigler

In Honor of The Woodlands Methodist Church Children’s Ministry
Taylor and Michelle White

In Memory of Simone Ngo
Bill and Mickey Nelson

In Memory of Patricia Ann Powell, wife of Jack Powell
Jack Powell

In Memory of Kathleen Street, wife of Jim Street
Paola Anna Giannotti

In Memory of Beverly Hoines, wife of Don Hoines
Morris and Carol Davidson
Bill and Mickey Nelson
Dave and Brenda Trifon

In Memory of Butch and Diane Parker's Fathers
Dan and Vicki Shelledy

In Memory of Sean McGowan, son of Bobby and Sally McGowan
Bobby and Sally McGowan

In Memory of Neil Burgess
Jonathan and Jennifer Breazeale

In Honor of Harlan and Marie Hartman’s 60th Wedding Anniversary
Bryan and Cindy White

In Memory of George Purvis
Phyllis Molnar

In Memory of Patricia Eubank, mother of Margie Jordan
Blair and Margie Jordan

In Celebration of Lilana Elise-Chen Verstringhe’s Holy Baptism, daughter of Louis Verstringhe and Carolyn Chen
Herbert and Lana Shapiro

In Celebration of George and Jane Ann Arnau’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Earl and Pat Johnson

In Memory of Conrad (Connie) DeVeau
Yvette DeVeau Hurd

In Honor of Eloise Laurel Bailie and Marguerite Mae Bailie’s 2nd birthday, daughters of Bobby and Leighann Bailie
Bob and Carol Bailie

In Memory of Luc DeVeau, son of David and Melissa DeVeau
Alan and Michele Cooke
Deborah DeVeau

In Honor of Pam Herron’s birthday
Bob and Carol Bailie

In Honor of Steve Wilmoth for his years of teaching the Believers Sunday School Class
Steve and Becky Hamrick

In Memory of Bonny Burdette
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Barby Carroll, husband of Geneva Carroll
Kim and Sally Bacon
Clifford Carroll Family
Marilyn Cochran
Richard and Barbara Fulmer
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Harlan and Marie Hartman
George and Sally Holtin
Olin and Ferol Johnson
Adora Kutchin
Derle and Gay Lindner
Caleta Linn
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Hazel Evon Peterson
John and Debbie Powers
Morgan and Cheryl Ray
Clarence Thompson

In Honor of Geneva Carroll
George and Sally Holtin

In Memory of Vance LeCrone, husband of Amy LeCrone
Jonathan and Jennifer Breazeale
Shirley Cagle, DDS
Randy and Amy Jones

In Memory of Jeanne Dolphin Lelley
Thom and Glenda Hudson

In Memory of Al Lowther, husband of Lillian Lowther
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Kermit Parker, Sr., father of Butch Parker
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Thom and Glenda Hudson

In Memory of Richard Smallwood, husband of Gladys Smallwood
Austin and Betty Ferguson
Dennis and Karen Frost
Richard and Barbara Fulmer
Harlan and Marie Hartman
George and Sally Holtin
Olin and Ferol Johnson
David and Margery Koogler
Derle and Gay Lindner
Caleta Linn
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Memory of Bob Whittenburg, husband of Margaret Whittenburg
Kim and Sally Bacon
Ginny Foley
Jeff and Aletha Harris
George and Sally Holtin

In Honor of Margaret Whittenburg
George and Sally Holtin

In Memory of Scott Chadwell, father of Vanessa Amelunke
Kim and Sally Bacon
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Derle and Gay Lindner

In Memory of Tommy Ault, husband of Norma Ault
Norma Ault

In Memory of Charles Cargill, father of Terry Cargill
Kim and Sally Bacon
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Randy and Amy Jones

In Honor of Graham Davidson Elmquist’s Baptism
Dave and Deann Megee

In Celebration of Barry and Nancy Wertz’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Earl and Pat Johnson
Anthony and Donna Lannie
Bob and Avalyn Naugle

In Honor of Philip Becker’s Confirmation
John and Michelle Becker

In Honor of Caitlin Charbonneau’s Confirmation
Dave and Nancy Charbonneau

In Memory of Edyth Louise Larson Cope, mother of Joni Cope
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Honor of Catherine Elisabeth Donoho’s Confirmation
Barry and Cindy Donoho

In Honor of Confirmation Leaders Angie Ebrey, Lee Anne Hill and Natalie Porter
Steve and Katy Eckel

In Honor and Celebration of Marianne Ed’s 95th Birthday
Greg and Jane Jordan
Dave and Deann Megee
Ann Tannehill

In Honor of Sophia Rose Cabanada Ferrer’s Confirmation
Dennis and Minnie Ferrer

In Memory of Hazel Grasshoff
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Richard and Georganna Smith

In Honor of Monet Guilbeau’s Confirmation
Eric and Candace Guilbeau

In Honor of Jayden Elizabeth Hairr’s Confirmation
Randy and Amy Hairr

In Memory of William David Malek, son of Darin and Alli Malek
David and Angel Cox

In Honor of Dave and Deann MeGee
Pete and Marjorie Peterson

In Honor of Confirmation Leader Tina Murrell

In Honor of Kate Pittenger’s Confirmation
Dave and Kathy Pittenger

In Memory of Kathleen Pratt, mother of Susan Ferrari
Chis and Sherri Boatwright

In Honor of Confirmation Leader Karen Rabson

In Honor of Jack Alexander Schweiker’s Baptism and Confirmation
Jon and Worth Krenytzky

In Memory of Hilda Sexton, designated for The Woodlands Methodist Church Missions Endowment Fund
Emptying Nests Sunday School Class

In Honor of Maddie Smith’s Confirmation
Rusty and Yvette Smith

In Memory of Paul K. Smith, husband of Margaret Smith
David and Virginia Yeakley

In Honor of Confirmation Leaders Tammy Schroder and Diana Tough
Bruce and Sydney Tough

In Honor of Sydney Tough’s Confirmation
Bruce and Diana Tough

In Honor of David Walsh’s Confirmation
Karl and Kristin Stomberg

In Memory of Chuck Walt, brother of Doug Walt
Otis and Jean Ashorn
Greg and Jane Jordan

In Honor of Kelly Beuershausen’s Birthday designated for Society of St. Stephen Endowment Fund
Jay Klinke

In Honor of Mary Anne Collins
Nolan and Tarrol Roberts

In Honor of Bill and Gaye Couch
David and Sheryl Steely

In Memory of Elisabeth Fesler, mother of Pat Tragressar
The Perspectives Class

In Memory of Elizabeth Campbell Hutchison
Emptying Nests Sunday School Class

In Memory of Kathleen Street, wife of Jim Street, designated for The Woodlands Methodist Church Missions Endowment Fund
Jim and Beverley Armstrong
Kim and Sally Bacon
Murray and Faye Batt
Bob and Kathy Beaird
Chris Beaird
Larry Bell
Tim and Tracey Bieser
Jim and Karen Braden
Donald and Patricia Caudill
Derek Fritsch
Ginny Foley
Paola Anna Giannotti
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Jeff and Aletha Harris
Harland and Marie Hartman
John Harvey
Earl and Pat Johnson
Randy and Carolyn Jones
Greg and Jane Jordan
Leigh Ann Jordan
Bob and Wendy Kopal
Bob Lauman
Parry and Sydney Lauzon
Bob and Avalyn Naugle
Jim and JoAnne Maddock
Russ and Rosemary Massey
Bill and Mickey Nelson
Bill and Debra Parks
Ralph and Julie Pauls
The Perspectives Class
George and Pam Pollard
Robin Roberts
Evelyn Schilling
Dick and Georganna Smith
Jeannette Soulier
David and Sheryl Steely
Fain Street
Jim Street
Tenel and Maha Tayar
Robert and Martha Taylor
Bruce and Vivian Toellner
Dave and Brenda Trifon
Marcia Volz
Ken and Kay Walter
Charles and Lois Williams
Ron and Kathy Wilson
Jerry and Beverly Winfree
Wednesday Evening Bible Study Group: Elisa Caldwell, Becky Cottingham, Linda Curington, Mary Fox, Priscilla May, Pam Olenchak, Lisa Reasoner, Susan Schneider, Beth Scott, Gayle Storey, Karen Tavares, Donna Waddell, Maria Whitehead

In Memory of Roy Gunter, father of Diane Parker
Gary and Tami Laugharn
Dennis and Joyce Woodley

In Memory of Jerry Singletary, husband of Kitty Singletary
Paul and Mary Gutknect

In Memory of Joanne Snow
Harlan and Marie Hartman
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Jim and Martha Sorrells
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Mark Prince, Sr., son of Mary Lou Prince
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
Clarence Thompson

In Memory of Mary Blakeley, mother of Angela Radford
Ken and Joyce Nesmith

In Honor of Jay Brown, designated for The Woodlands Methodist Church Missions Endowment Fund
Cinco Energy Management

In Honor of Martin Craighead’s birthday
Matt Krohn

In Memory of Luc DeVeau, designated for The Luc William DeVeau Endowment Fund
Talia Rockmore

In Memory of Jean Dean, mother of Donna Lannie, designated for TWMC Missions Endowment Fund
Earl and Pat Johnson

In Honor of Barbara Dunlap
Pam Herron

In Memory of Lynda Frank, designated for The Lynda Whitley Frank Endowment Fund
Kim and Sally Bacon
Scott and Mary Lynn Draudt
Jay Frank
Ray and Mich’elle Gordy
Calvin Mears and Debra Leisure
Gregg and Tracy Piontek

In Memory of Velma Hayes, mother of Robin Nichols
Steve and Becky Hamrick
Gary and Tami Laugharn
Dennis and Joyce Woodley

In Memory of Leta Huebner, sister of Nell Sagehorn

In Memory of Carl Hutchings, husband of Irene Hutchings
Mark and Mary Chapman
Jamie Quinn
Edwin and Nancy Schultz
Raoul and Annie Treverton

In Memory of Jack Jackson, husband of Jerry Jackson
Ed and Glenna Wandling

In Honor of Bill Kolbe’s 90th Birthday
Earl and Pat Johnson

In Memory of Eloise Murphy, wife of Derris Murphy
Derris Murphy

In Honor of Bill and Lois Ramey
Pam Herron

In Memory of Bill Snow, husband of JoAnne Snow
Richard and Blair Read
Ed and Glenna Wandling

In Memory of Curtis Troth, husband of Angela Troth, designated for The Woodlands Methodist Church Missions Endowment Fund
Harry and Mary Douglas
Ken and Joyce Nesmith
David and Sheryl Steely
Evelyn Schilling

In Memory of Winnie Whidden
Ed and Glenna Wandling